Frequently Asked Questions

for Omkara Direct Under SEBI Research Analyst Registration

Omkara is and will be known as an unbiased, independent research house. We will share research notes on companies which can emerge as category leaders in the times to come. Along with that, we will do conference calls with the clients on regular basis to understand more on the company fundamentals & sector strengths.

None of the above. ONLY research. Research which aims to unite like-minded, serious long-term retail investors together. Think of it this way - a retail investor can now avail good research backed with data at a reasonable price to take most critical decision on investing. We want to make an Omkara club of smart-retail investors to benefit from each other.

Models are suited only on ramps :) Moreover, many smart investors are already there in the market doing all kind of services. Being an independent research house helps us focus on our core competency, which is equity research. We carry no baggage of increasing AUM, pleasing distributors, going to various cities to sell products - which is where people waste time & money. We are happy to spend our entire time on reading, meeting, debating & doing research on great companies. So we are extending our passion to make Omkara a club of smart-retail investors, who will learn & grow together.

We think long-term investments will make money. We are trying to create a community of likeminded long term retail investors who can think about wealth creation and not money from tips

Sorry. No refund possible. Please take minimum subscription package if that is a fear in your mind.

Sorry. One-on-one is practically impossible. But we will organize a call with all clients once a month to take queries or any doubts. PS: You are welcome to our office & meet us.

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